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 *                   Multiplication and Set Intersection             operator
 /                   Real Division                                   operator
 +                   Addition, Set Union, and Concatenation          operator
 -                   Subtraction and Set Difference                  operator
 =                   Relational Operator: Equal To                   operator
 <>                  Not Equal To                                    operator
 <                   Less Than                                       operator
 >                   Greater Than                                    operator
 <=                  Less Than or Equal To                           operator
 >=                  Greater Than or Equal To                        operator
 :=                  Assignment Operator                             operator
 (*                  Open (* Comment                                  comment
 *)                  Close /* Comment                                 comment
 {                   Open { Comment                                   comment
 }                   Close { Comment                                  comment
 Abs                 Returns the Absolute Value of a Number              func
 absolute            Fixes at Absolute Address                      statement
 Addr                Returns Pointer to any Variable                     func
 and                 Logical and Integer Operator AND                operator
 Append              Opens File for Appending to End                     proc
 Arc                 Draws an Arc                                        proc
 ArcTan              Returns the Arctangent of a Value                   func
 array               Declares an Array (List of Variables)               type
 Assign              Assigns File or Device to File Variable             proc
 AUX                 Predefined File Assigned to COM1:                   file
 AuxInPtr            Pointer to AUX: Input Driver                     pointer
 AuxOutPtr           Pointer to AUX: Output Driver                    pointer
 Back                Moves Turtle Back                                   proc
 begin               Signals Start of Compound Statement            statement
 BlockRead           Reads Block(s) from Untyped File                    proc
 BlockWrite          Writes Block(s) to Untyped File                     proc
 Boolean             Logical Values (TRUE, FALSE)                        type
 Byte                Numbers from 0..255                                 type
 case                Signals the Start of a CASE Statement          statement
 Chain               Loads .CHN File for Execution                       proc
 Char                Single Characters                                   type
 ChDir               Changes Current Directory                           proc
 Chr                 Returns the Character with the Given Code           func
 Circle              Draws a Circle                                      proc
 ClearScreen         Clears Graphics Screen                              proc
 Close               Closes File                                         proc
 ClrEol              Clears from Cursor Position to End of Line          proc
 ClrScr              Clears Entire Screen                                proc
 ColorTable          Defines Color Translation Table                     proc
 CON                 Predefined File Assigned to the Console             file
 Concat              Concatenates Several Strings Together               func
 ConInPtr            Pointer to CON: Input Driver                     pointer
 ConOutPtr           Pointer to CON: Output Driver                    pointer
 const               Starts a Set of Constant Declarations          statement
 ConStPtr            Pointer to CON: Status Driver                    pointer
 Copy                Returns Substring from String                       func
 Cos                 Returns the Cosine of an Angle                      func
 CrtExit             Sends Terminal Reset Sequence                       proc
 CrtInit             Sends Terminal Initialization Sequence              proc
 CSeg : Integer      Returns Address of Code Segment                     func
 Delay               Delays Program for a Fixed Amount of Time           proc
 Delete              Deletes a Substring from a String                   proc
 DelLine             Deletes Current Line on Screen                      proc
 Dispose             Deallocates Dynamically Allocated Memory            proc
 div                 Integer Division Operator                       operator
 do                  Action Indicator for Loop Statements           statement
 downto              Allows FOR Loops to Count Backward             statement
 Draw                Draws a Line from One Point to Another              proc
 DSeg                Returns the Address of the Data Segment             func
 else                Optional Clause in IF/THEN or CASE             statement
 end                 Signals Close of Statements or Records         statement
 EOF                 Returns TRUE If at End of File                      func
 EOLN                Returns TRUE If at End of Line                      func
 Erase               Deletes a File from Disk                            proc
 Execute             Loads a .COM File for Execution                     proc
 Exit                Exits Current Subprogram (or Program)               proc
 Exp                 Returns Exponential of a Number                     func
 external            Assembly Language Procedure or Function        statement
 file                Data Type for Declaring Data Files                  type
 FillChar            Fills Memory with Value                             proc
 FillPattern         Fills an Area with a Pattern                        proc
 FillScreen          Fills Active Window with Color                      proc
 FillShape           Fills Arbitrary Shape with Color                    proc
 FilePos             Returns Current Position in File                    func
 FileSize            Returns Number of Records in a File                 func
 for                 Signals the Start of a FOR Loop                statement
 forward             Forward Declarations                           statement
 Forwd               Moves Turtle Forward                                proc
 Frac                Returns Fractional Portion of a Value               func
 FreeMem             Deallocates Dynamically Allocated Memory            proc
 function            Declares a Function (Returns a Value)          statement
 Get                 Gets Item From Data File (Standard Pascal)          proc
 GetDir              Returns Current Directory of a Given Drive          proc
 GetDotColor         Returns Color Value of Given Point                  func
 GetMem              Allocates Memory for Dynamic Variables              proc
 GetPic              Copies Area Contents into Buffer                    proc
 goto                Jumps to a Specified Label                     statement
 GoToXY              Moves Cursor to Specific Position                   proc
 GraphBackground     Sets Background Screen Color                        proc
 GraphColorMode      Sets Screen to Color Graphics Mode                  proc
 GraphMode           Sets Screen to Black-and-White Graphics Mode        proc
 GraphWindow         Sets Graphics Window for Clipping Purposes          proc
 Halt                Halts Program Execution and Returns Error Code      proc
 Heading             Returns Current Heading of Turtle                   func
 HeapPtr             Current Heap Pointer                             pointer
 Hi                  Returns High-Order Byte of an Integer               func
 HideTurtle          Makes the Turtle Invisible                          proc
 HiRes               Sets Screen to High-Resolution Mode                 proc
 HiResColor          Sets Color Used for Drawing in Hi-Resolution        proc
 Home                Moves the Turtle to the Home Position               proc
 if                  Start of an IF/THEN/ELSE                       statement
 in                  Special Operator for Testing Set Membership     operator
 inline              Inline Machine Language                        statement
 Input               Default Input File Variable                         file
 Insert              Inserts a Substring into a String                   proc
 InsLine             Inserts a Line on the Screen                        proc
 Int                 Returns the Integral Portion of a Value             func
 Integer             Numbers from -32768 to 32767                        type
 Intr                Calls System Software Interrupt                     proc
 IOResult            Returns I/O Error Status                            func
 KBD                 Predefined File Assigned to Keyboard                file
 Keypressed          Returns TRUE If Key Has Been Pressed                func
 label               Declares a List of Labels                          label
 Length              Returns the Length of a String                      func
 Ln                  Returns Natural Logarithm of x                      func
 Lo                  Returns the Low-Order Byte of an Integer            func
 LongFilePos         Returns the Current Position in a Data File         func
 LongFileSize        Returns # of Items of Data File                     func
 LongSeek            Moves to a Specific Record in a Data File           proc
 LowVideo            Causes Text That follows to be Dimmed               proc
 LST                 Predefined File Assigned to LST: (printer)          file
 LstOutPtr           Pointer to LST: Output Driver                    pointer
 Mark                Saves Current Start of Heap                         proc
 MaxAvail            Returns Size of Largest Block Available             func
 MemAvail            Returns Total Amount of Memory Available            func
 MkDir               Creates a Subdirectory                              proc
 mod                 Modulus (Remainder) Operator                    operator
 Move                Transfers Block of Bytes                            proc
 MSDos               Calls MS-DOS System Functions                       proc
 New                 Allocates Memory for Dynamic Variables              proc
 NIL                 Predefined Value for an Undirected Pointer       pointer
 NormVideo           Causes Text That follows To Be Normal               proc
 NoSound             Turns Sound Off                                     proc
 not                 Logical and Bitwise Unary Complement            operator
 NoWrap              Disables Automatic Turtle Wraparound                proc
 Odd                 Tests If an Integer Is Odd or Even                  func
 of                  Keyword Defining Type of Arrays and Sets         keyword
 Ofs                 Returns Segment Offset Address of a Variable        func
 or                  Logical and Bitwise Operator OR                 operator
 Ord                 Returns Ordinal Value                               func
 Output              Default Output File Variable                        file
 overlay             Declares a Subprogram as Belonging to an Overlay
 OvrDrive            Sets Drive for Finding Overlay Files                proc
 OvrPath             Sets Path for Finding Overlay Files                 proc
 packed              Type Modifier for Packed Data Structures            type
 Palette             Selects Palette for Drawing Purposes                proc
 ParamCount          Returns Number of Parameters on Command Line        func
 ParamStr            Returns Parameters from the Command Line            func
 Pattern             Sets a Pattern for Filling Areas                    proc
 PenDown             Enables Drawing for Turtle                          proc
 PenUp               Disables Drawing for Turtle                         proc
 Pi                  Predefined Real Constant (3.1415926536)         constant
 Plot                Draws a Point on the Screen                         proc
 Pos                 Returns Position of Substring within String         func
 Pred                Returns the Predecessor of Any Ordinal              func
 procedure           Declares a Procedure                         declaration
 program             Declares a Program                           declaration
 Ptr                 Returns a Pointer to a Specific Address             func
 Put                 Writes Item to a Data File (Standard Pascal)        proc
 PutPic              Writes Buffer Contents into Area on Screen          proc
 Random              Returns Pseudo-Random Value                         func
 Randomize           Resets Seed for Pseudo-Random Number Generator      proc
 Read Readln         Reads List of Values                                proc
 Real                Floating-Point Numbers                              type
 record              Declares a Record (Group of Variables)              type
 Release             Releases Dynamically Allocated Memory               proc
 Rename              Renames a File                                      proc
 repeat              Signals the Start of a REPEAT Loop             statement
 Reset               Opens a File for Input                              proc
 Retype              Converts between Ordinal Types                      func
 Rewrite             Opens a File for Output                             proc
 RmDir               Removes a Subdirectory                              proc
 Round               Rounds a Real Value to Nearest Integer              func
 Seek                Moves to a Specific Record in a Data File           proc
 SeekEOF             Skips Blanks, Tabs, EOLN, Then Checks for EOF       func
 SeekEOLN            Skips Blanks and Tabs, Then Checks for EOLN         func
 Seg                 Returns the Segment Address of a Variable           func
 set                 Declares a Set Variable or Type                     type
 SetHeading          Sets Heading for Turtle                             proc
 SetPenColor         Sets Color of Turtle's Pen                          proc
 SetPosition         Moves Turtle to a Specific Location                 proc
 shl                 Bitwise Left-Shift Integer Operator             operator
 ShowTurtle          Makes the Turtle Visible                            proc
 shr                 Bitwise Right-Shift Integer Operator            operator
 Sin                 Returns the Sine of an Angle                        func
 SizeOf              Returns Size of Any Variable or Type                func
 Sound               Turns Sound On with Given Frequency                 proc
 Sqr                 Returns the Square of a Value                       func
 Sqrt                Returns the Square Root of a Value                  func
 SSeg                Returns the Address of the Stack Segment            func
 Str                 Converts a Number to a String                       proc
 string              Declares a Character String (Array of Char)         type
 Succ                Returns the Successor of any Ordinal                func
 Swap                Swaps the High and Low Bytes of an Integer          func
 Text                Text Files                                          type
 TextBackground      Sets the Background Color for Text                  proc
 TextColor           Sets the Foreground Color for Text                  proc
 TextMode            Selects Text Mode and Clears the Screen             proc
 then                Starts Conditional Clause of IF/THEN            statment
 TRM                 Predefined File Assigned to TRM:                    file
 Trunc               Truncates a Real Value to an Integer                func
 Truncate            Truncates File at Current File Pointer              proc
 TurnLeft            Rotates the Turtle to the Left                      proc
 TurnRight           Rotates the Turtle to the Right                     proc
 TurtleThere         Indicates If the Turtle Is Currently Visible        func
 TurtleWindow        Defines a Graphics Window for the Turtle            proc
 type                Signals the Start of a Set of Type Declarations     type
 to                  Allows FOR Loops to Count Forward              statement
 until               Termination Condition of a REPEAT Loop         statement
 UpCase              Returns Upper-Case Character Equivalent             func
 USR                 Predefined File Assigned to USR:                    file
 UsrInPtr            Pointer to USR: Input Driver                     pointer
 UsrOutPtr           Pointer to USR: Output Driver                    pointer
 Val                 Converts a String to a Number                       proc
 var                 Start of a Set of Variable Declarations             type
 WhereX              Returns Current Column Position of Cursor           func
 WhereY              Returns Current Line Position of Cursor             func
 while               Signals the Start of a WHILE Loop              statement
 Window              Sets a Text Window                                  proc
 with                Signals the Start of a WITH Statement          statement
 Wrap                Enables Automatic Wrap for the Turtle               proc
 Write Writeln       Writes List of Items                                proc
 XCor : Integer      Returns Current X Coordinate of the Turtle          func
 xor                 Exclusive OR Operator                           operator
 YCor : Integer      Returns Current Y Coordinate of the Turtle          func

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson